Very interesting, Mr. Obama. The buzz is just starting up, but in time Prez O's admission yesterday in his speech at Cairo University that the CIA engineered the overthrow of Mohammed Mossaddeq (pictured here) will be seen as a major turning point in U.S. foreign policy.
June 04, 2009
From Sproul Steps to Cairo University
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10:09:00 AM
Labels: Obama Presidency
June 03, 2009
Getting outside the box
I saw myself quoted at length on a website maintained by a pro-Rick Perry group in Texas, people working to help Perry defeat the challenge of Kay Bailey Hutchison for the Republican nomination for governor. Which in Texas is tantamount to the election itself, of course. The webmeister down there in the Lone Star State liked my takedown of Keith Olbermann; in essence, I thought Olbermann's criticism of Perry's "secession" remarks was a little uninformed. It's fine to list all the glories of being part of the USA, but while you're at it you should not argue that sending all that tax money to Washington D.C. (and dealing with the legal consequences of the Supremacy Clause, which makes it difficult for medical marijuana people, for example, to be entirely free of federal hassles at the state level) is an unadorned blessing. It's definitely not. Plus, sometimes I just think Keith gets carried away with himself in his self-appointed role as vindicator of the Liberal American Tradition, especially because his technical grasp of legal issues, for example, is micrometers in depth. Still, overall I think he does valuable things, and his break with corporate complicity when he started his Special Comments was a watershed event, and he is to be commended for his courage. It looks easy in retrospect, but at the time it was shockingly refreshing. But now I've given the Texans "Ol'Blowhard" as a sobriquet, and they're running with it.
Posted by
10:21:00 AM
Labels: Musing on America
June 02, 2009
North Korea Plans North American A-Bomb Test
June 2, 2009 (New York Times) - In a relentless approach to raising both the stakes and the visibility of his country's atomic bomb program, President Kim Jong-Il announced today that North Korea's next nuclear test would be conducted in mid-town Manhattan sometime "within the next couple of weeks." Having successfully tested a 13-kiloton bomb at an underground site in North Korea recently, the Dear Leader stated that he was in no mood "to fok awound" and served notice that his country's nuclear ambitions would not be deterred by Western pressure or threats.
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10:20:00 AM
Labels: American Government
June 01, 2009
Slouching toward the poor house
Maybe it's just the way things are now. The fossilized approach to all problems, no matter how big, is all that's possible. I read Michael Moore's take on the failure of General Motors, something he's followed since the early days of its decline (his "Roger & Me" being his first big movie hit), and I think he's right. In part, of course, I think he's right because it's what Waldenswimmer said several months ago. The auto factories owned by GM should be transformed into modern transportation factories building mass transit (light rail) and high speed rail locomotives and rolling stock, with some aspect of its ongoing car business used to build fuel-efficient hybrids and electric cars. It's time to phase the internal combustion engine out, and put all those trained factory employees to work building technology with a future.
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1:46:00 PM
Labels: American Government
May 31, 2009
La plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
8:00 am, Oval Office, Monday, June 1:
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9:10:00 AM
Labels: Obama Presidency